Tag: Cesium 137
11/27/09 – STIMULATE: Post-Spanksgiving/BLACK FRIDAY w/Decoded Feedback & Cesium 137
by xris on Nov.06, 2009, under Events
Event | STIMULATE: Post-Spanksgiving/BLACK FRIDAY w/Decoded Feedback & Cesium 137 |
When |
Friday, November 27, 2009
Where |
199 Bowery
New York, NY, USA 10002 |
Other Info | Nov 27th, BLACK FRIDAY Xris SMack! and Mindswerve Studios present: S T I M U L A T E [ The Mind, The Body, The Dancefloor ] Get your Monthly Fix! "Post-Spanksgiving" celebration on BLACK FRIDAY! 9pm-4am -----> GET ADVANCED REDUCED ADMISSION TICKETS HERE <----- -----> RSVP on MySpace HERE <----- -----> RSVP on Facebook HERE <----- STIMULATE YOUR SENSES: ==== SOUND ==== TWO Metropolis Records Recording Artists DECODED FEEDBACK [ DecodedFeedback.com ] [ MySpace.com/DecodedFeedback ] first show in NYC in 7 years / ONLY US Appearance! and CESIUM 137 [ Cesium137.com] [MySpace.com/Cesium137] supporting their new Album IDENTITY joined by Birthday DJ's Black Widow (Sin), Johanna Constantine (SMack!) & Stalagmike (Defcon) with DJ Xris SMack! (STIMULATE, SMack!) === SIGHT === Video STIMULATION by VJ Curse & The SMack! Video Lab Art & Photography Exhibits and our STIMULATING Go-Go's Dori-Bot, Trish Von Dish, RogiZOID & Machine Sex! === TOUCH === "Feel The Whip": Dungeon Play Space w/Dominatrixes Miss Jordan Jones, Mistress Denna, Mistress Cybill & Mistress Kay! Play Equipment provided GIVEAWAYS: from Metropolis Records Record Release Party for the new CD's from: the GENITORTURERS "Blackheart Revolution" [www.Genitorturers.com] (see them live in NYC Nov 17th @ The Grammercy Theater) Cervello Elettronico's "Process of Elimination" and C/A/T's "We Are Still Alive" on Crunch Pod Records [ CrunchPod.com ] Ticket Giveaways: 12/19: STIMULATE "ÜBER XXX-MAS" w/ Hanzel und Gretyl !! @ Crash Mansion, NYC Special Promotions for SONY Pictures for PLANET 51 === TASTE === Resident Chefs Chris #2 & Lydia Mischief with a Post-Spanksgiving Day feast served on a human buffet!! this months Birthdays: DJ's Black Widow, Johanna Constantine, Stalagmike + more! Suggested Dress Code: Themed: Perverted Pilgrims, Metal Mohawks, Indecent Indians, Tormented Turkeys.... Steampunk, Cyberpunk/CyberSlut, Electrohead/Rivithead/Industrial, Gothic, Fashionista, etc, etc Fetish (PVC, Leather, Latex..) ... make an Effort! LOCATION Crash Mansion 199 Bowery @ Spring St (1 block north of Delancey St) NYC 10002 Sponsored by/Advance Tickets Available at: Gothic Renaissance : 108 4th Ave between 11/12th Sts. NYC Vampire Freaks : 189 Avenue A between 12/13th Sts. NYC Live Broadcast by WFKU Radio STIMULATE filmed live by DEAD X.TV Original Stimulate Girl Artwork by VX Starshine Upcoming STIMULATion: 12/19: "ÜBER XXX-MAS" w/ Hanzel und Gretyl !! 1/16: Wickedly Winter Wonderland II +Pre-Miss Rubber World Party 2/20: The Post-Valentines Blood Massacre II -----> BUY Dec 19th STIMULATE/Hanzel und Gretyl Advance tickets HERE <----- (and every 3rd saturday in 2010 😉 ) for more info: www.STIMULATE-ME.com Join the Facebook STIMULATE group Here |