11/23/15 – DUNGEON X: Depravation Play night!
by xris on Nov.19, 2015, under Events
Event | DUNGEON X: Depravation Play night! |
When |
Monday, November 23, 2015
Where |
168 Delancey St
New York, NY, USA 10002 |
Other Info | DUNGEON X - 11/23: Deprivation Night (Hoods, Asphixiation play) RSVP: https://facebook.com/events/964820300224697 come and play with your friends, subs, doms, slaves, pets, and any cute strangers you meet here. Every week are new themes, scenes, and fetishes! And as always, our gorgeous Dungeon Dolls will be doing play and scenes on our St. Andrew's crosses, spreader bars, and couches, for all you kinksters out there who love to watch! Don't forget, they are also all available for play sessions! MUSIC BY Resident DJ's Grave, Xris SMack! & special guests! * Young, Gorgeous Gogo Dancers * 2 St. Andrews Crosses * Hanging spreader bar * bi-weekly rope suspension * dance floor AND only a $6 entry so please tip your bartender + entertainers 😉 http://facebook.com/DungeonXnyc |
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