10/18/13 – CMJ show: KINGS DESTROY with/Pelican, Sannhet, Kings Destroy, Wreck and Reference, Phantom Glue, Pyrrohn (VJ/Video for KD show)
by xris on Sep.24, 2013, under Events
Event | CMJ show: KINGS DESTROY with/Pelican, Sannhet, Kings Destroy, Wreck and Reference, Phantom Glue, Pyrrohn (VJ/Video for KD show) |
When |
Friday, October 18, 2013
Where |
1120 Manhattan Ave.
Brooklyn, NY, USA 11222 Saint Vitus is a bar and music venue located in the Greenpoint neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. Opened in April of 2011, the 2,500 square feet venue is known for its heavy metal atmosphere |
Other Info | i'll be doing live backing Video/VJ for King's Destroy's show Advance Tix + more info: http://BoweryBallroom.com/event/314457-vista-chino-new-york Doors at 8pm, show starts at 9pm. KINGS DESTROY NYC's hybrid of stoner rock, doom and hardcore, unites musicians from many of the genres' most prolific bands. Hailing from the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn, KD features guitarists Carl Porcaro and Chris Skowronski from legendary, 100k album selling 'Killing Time', vocalist Steve Murphy from 'Uppercut', drummer Rob Sefcik formerly of 'Mans Ruin', 'The Begotten', 'Uppercut' and 'Electric Frankenstein' and bassist Ed Bocchino of 'Stanley' and 'Uppercut'. With influences like The Melvins, Yob and Cro Mags, KD describes their sound as "brutal Sabbath heaviness with hardcore outbursts and disturbed vocals verging on the demented." https://facebook.com/KingsDestroy PELICAN After four years of silence, instrumental metal standard bearers Pelican have come thundering back, with Forever Becoming, an eight-song album destined to be considered one of the most punishingly rewarding albums of the year. Before their hiatus, the group had laid a sizeable chunk of the groundwork for the instrumental metal scene that's come into its own in the 13 years since they started playing together. After 2009 the band found itself slightly adrift, and found the day to day struggle of being full-time underground musicians colliding with new families and non-musical careers. Wisely, they didn't make any rash decisions, and as suits a band known for making dense, meditative sounds they simply patiently figured out how to move past their obstacles. This reborn Pelican is purer, more focused, and far more assured. Recorded at Electrical Audio in Chicago with engineer Chris Common, and featuring The Swan King guitarist Dallas Thomas (replacing the amicably departed Laurent Schroeder-Lebec) Forever Becoming is an immense, speaker-rattling meditation on the infinite cycle of death and life. It takes a lot of experience and a lot of confidence to attempt a head-on ascent of the biggest, most monolithic theme in art, but Forever Becoming is proof that Pelican has plenty of both, and knows how to wield them. *Forever Becoming release date: October 15th on Southern Lord Records. You can stream album track 'Immutable Dusk' via the below Soundcloud link. plus Sannhet, Wreck and Reference, Phantom Glue, Pyrrohn https://www.facebook.com/stvitusbar |
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