09/23/11 – ATARI TEENAGE RIOT live!
by xris on Aug.25, 2011, under Events
Event | ATARI TEENAGE RIOT live! |
When |
Friday, September 23, 2011
All Ages
Where |
127 E. 23rd St.
New York, NY, United States 10010 |
Other Info | ATARI TEENAGE RIOT “Is This Hyperreal? Tour 2011” Atari Teenage Riot (abbreviated ATR) was a German digital hardcore group formed in Berlin in 1992. Highly political, they fused anarchist, anti-fascist and anti-Nazi views with punk vocals and the newly emerging techno sound called digital hardcore, which is a term band member Alec Empire used as the name of his record label. Advance Tickets here: http://www.livenation.com/event/000046B8B423A2B7 with DJ Xris SMack! http:/Xris-SMack.com http://www.Atari-Teenage-Riot.com https://www.facebook.com/Atari.Teenage.Riot.ACTIVATE https://www.facebook.com/pages/Atari-Teenage-Riot/109643525729133 http://www.youtube.com/user/ATRatariteenageriot http://soundcloud.com/alec_empire/atari-teenage-riot-black-flags http://atari-teenage-riot.tumblr.com |
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