06/19/16 – THE CURE Aftershow party
by xris on May.22, 2016, under Events
Event | THE CURE Aftershow party |
When |
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Where |
247 W 30th St.
New York, NY, U.S.A. 10001 |
Other Info | RSVP, more info + Advanced Tickets: https://www.facebook.com/events/1535143583457685 Mother Angel Blue presents... NEVER ENOUGH: THE SUNDAY (AFTER) SHOW PARTY @ AMERICAN WHISKEY http://www.americanwhiskeynyc.com/ 247 W. 30th St. between 7th/8th Aves. JUST ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF THE GARDEN (and just a couple doors down from Slake) Doors @ 10:45 $8 w/ advance purchase FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY MORE LATER, MORE AT THE DOOR TWO FLOORS to keep you spinning on that dizzy edge... up in THE TOP: • DJ CEREMONY (A Night Like This, Oscillate Wildly) http://DjCeremony.com/ • DJ Xris SMack (Stimulate, SMack!) , http://Xris-SMack.com/ spin a Cure-heavy mix of new wave, 80s, and alternative dance floor classics. in THE HANGING GARDEN: • DJ Ian Ford (The Bank, Albion/BatCave, Webster Hall, Splash, XL) spins all Cure, all night! http://IanFford.com/ And don't miss... THE WAILING WALL video lounge CURE-ated by the SMack! Video Lab (http://facebook.com/SMackFetish) The FASCINATION STREET-level bar, where American Whiskey's world-class mixologists will be serving up a one-of-a-kind menu of CURE-THEMED COCKTAILS tailor-made exclusively for the occasion from fresh, house-made ingredients. (Don't worry, they'll still serve you a beer or a well drink without tossing you attitude if that's more your speed.) Hosted by MOTHER ANGEL BLUE, GINA DIVINE, and ARCH-ANGEL. TICKETS ON SALE at http://www.cureaftershowparty.com/ |
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